Tree Removal Service in Atlanta
Do you need Tree Removal in Atlanta?
If you need tree removal, it’s likely due to one of two things: The tree is either dead or infected, or the tree is currently damaging or posing a risk to your property. Here’s a closer look at these two general categories:
Infected or Dead Tree Removal
If a tree has died, then there’s nothing you can really do but have it removed. Dead trees aren’t just unpleasant to look at, but they’ll gradually lose strength over time — and when trees weaken, then they become much more susceptible to falling and potentially damaging your property. The good news is that trees can live anywhere from hundreds to thousands of years, so it’s unlikely that your tree will die of old age. The bad news is that if your tree does die, it will likely be because it has a disease. If a tree has odd-looking bark, obvious decay, dead branches, leaf discoloration or odd fungus growing on it, then it’s likely that your tree is diseased. And while some diseased trees may be able to be salvaged with the help of a professional, oftentimes they cannot. If a tree has died, it cannot be brought back and must be removed. In addition to tree removal, we also offer tree stump removal in Atlanta.
Hazardous Tree Removal in Atlanta
Another popular reason why property owners elect for tree removal is if the tree has begun to or could potentially damage property. For instance, tree roots often raise sidewalks or driveways — and such pavement cannot be properly leveled unless the tree and its roots are removed. Additionally, a tree may have grown on an angle or be leaning, and this could potentially lead to property damage if it were to be struck by lightning or a strong storm wind were to dislodge it. Our hazardous tree removal in Atlanta services includes proactively removing any tree that could pose a hazard to people, property or other structures.
There are other reasons why property owners request tree and tree stump removal in Atlanta. Some other popular reasons include:
- To improve visibility to and from a property.
- To improve curb appeal and resale value.
- If the debris that it drops (i.e., leaves, sap, needles, cotton, etc.) is becoming too much to clean up.
- The tree is inhibiting other plants or your lawn from adequately growing.
- The tree produces leaves or flowers that cause allergic reactions among a property’s residents.


ISA promotes the professional practice of arboriculture and fosters a greater worldwide awareness of the benefits of trees.

ATP gives back to the environment by recycling and replanting.