Time to Clean-up Your Trees
Spring weather is here! And it’s also that time of year to start thinking about spring tree trimming. Harsh winter weather may have stressed your trees, and several snowfalls in particular may have damaged your trees. Now is the time to get out in the yard and take a look at your tree canopy.
Start With a Walk Through Your Yard
Take a walk through your yard to determine if any trees are candidates for spring tree trimming. Winter has been tough on many of our trees, so it is important to make sure the trees in your yard are in good condition. Spring brings thunderstorms and if your trees are not healthy, the storms can do a lot of damage. Many times when a tree falls, it could have been prevented if it had been inspected before the storms happened.
Look for These Potential Hazards:
- Branches that hang over your home
- Trees that lean significantly
- Trees or branches that have a close proximity to power lines
- Cracks in the trunks or major limbs of trees
- Trees that are hollow, aged or decaying

Trees that might have these issues are generally the ones that come down first in a heavy Spring thunderstorm.
Weak Trees Fall First
Spring thunderstorms can be hard on weak trees for a couple of reasons. The first is that when there is heavy rain, the soil gets soaked and the roots of the tree cannot stay fastened in the ground. The second reason is the wind. Have you ever had your umbrella turn inside out when it’s really windy? This is the same effect the wind can have on your tree “canopy.” Don’t take risks; get your trees cleaned-up and trimmed for Spring.
Need Some Advice? Call a Spring Tree Trimming Pro
If you have any questions about Spring tree trimming, please give us a call at Atlanta Tree Professionals. Get free estimates and advice. We are your local experts for residential and commercial tree service in north metro Atlanta.
Atlanta Tree Professionals – (404) 644-8733